針對查詢「cook」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「cook」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章


You can't even fry an egg, let alone cook, and you want to be a chef?


Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices.


After the dismissal of the cook we had to make our meals ourselves.

她的丈夫總是取笑她做的通心粉,說這是她唯一會做的東西, 而且她難得做好英文怎麼說?

Her husband always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well.


The sly cat stole the meat while the cook's back was turned.
  1. 人多口雜 (人多嘴雜) 英文怎麼說?
  2. 你自找的。 英文怎麼說?
  3. 我完全不下廚。 英文怎麼說?
  4. 絕不可能。 英文怎麼說?
  5. 雞同鴨講 英文怎麼說?

  1. So many men, so many opinions.
  2. You asked for it.
  3. I don't cook at all.
  4. When pigs fly.
  5. don't speak the same language


What delectable food you cook!


The cook kneaded the dough.


Too many cooks spoil the broth.

cook     廚師    
spoil     損壞、糟蹋、搞糟    
broth     肉湯、清湯    

本句的中文意思是” 太多的廚師反而做壞了湯 ”,也就是 人多壞事 的意思

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