Oh dear! exclaimed the lady, feeling the vainness of her wish to go home.
My dear countrymen, let's unite and do our best for our motherland.
真不敢相信我贏得常青盃冠軍! 我一直知道你辦得到,親愛的的英文怎麼說?
I can't believe I won the seniors championship! I always knew you had it in you, dear.
★ 我喜歡另一件的顏色。比這件鮮艷多了。 ● 沒錯。那件比較新潮,是吧? ★ 哦,天哪!我愈來愈困惑了。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
★ I like the color of the other one. It's much brighter. ● That's true. It's more fashionable, isn't it? ★ Oh, dear! I'm getting more and more confused.
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