針對查詢「past」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「past」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章

時間 / 日期 7

早上6點過了半小時 = 早上6點30分
下午3點過了半小時 = 下午3點30分
傍晚6點過了半小時 = 傍晚6點30分
晚上10點過了半小時 = 晚上10點30分  
It's half past six in the morning.
It's half past three in the afternoon.
It's half past six in the evening.
It's half past ten at night.

時間 / 日期 3

早上6點過了15分 = 早上6點15分
下午3點過了15分 = 下午3點15分
傍晚6點過了15分 = 傍晚6點15分
晚上10點過了15分 = 晚上10點15分  
It's fifteen past six in the morning.
It's fifteen past three in the afternoon.
It's fifteen past six in the evening.
It's fifteen past ten at night.

時間 / 日期 6

早上6點過了1/4小時 = 早上6點15分
下午3點過了1/4小時 = 下午3點15分
傍晚6點過了1/4小時 = 傍晚6點15分
晚上10點過了1/4小時 = 晚上10點15分  
It's quarter past six in the morning.
It's quarter past three in the afternoon.
It's quarter past six in the evening.
It's quarter past ten at night.

時間 / 日期 4

早上6點過了30分 = 早上6點30分
下午3點過了30分 = 下午3點30分
傍晚6點過了30分 = 傍晚6點30分
晚上10點過了30分 = 晚上10點30分  
It's thirty past six in the morning.
It's thirty past three in the afternoon.
It's thirty past six in the evening.
It's thirty past ten at night.


She used to be a beauty past compare.


Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses.


He's holding my past record over me.


He is, past question, the best man for the job.


They filed past the grave of the national hero.


We heard the sounds of the river rushing past boulders below.

克莉斯蒂最近這兩個月一直在旅行,住旅館,過著居無定所的生活。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)

Kristy has been traveling, staying in hotels, and living out of a suitcase for the past two months.


He's been moonlighting for the past year as a driver.


The teenager was grounded after she stayed out past her curfew.


Change this verb from the present into the past tense.


He honked his horn as he went past.


As the car raced past, it spattered mud on my clothes.


It happened far back in the past.


The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past.


We've had tropical weather for the past few days.