
  1. (搭飛機)我較喜歡窗邊的位置。 I prefer a window seat.
  2. 從台北到香港的飛行時間要多久呢? What's the flying time from Taipei to Hong Kong?
  3. (在機場)對不起,請問10號登機門怎麼走? Excuse me. Can you direct me to Gate 15, please?
  4. 請將這個旅行支票兌現。 Please cash this traveler's check.
  5. 請將這個換成美金。 Please change this to dollars.
  6. 可以給我入境申請單嗎? Can I have an immigration form?
  7. 我要託運兩件行李。 I'll check two pieces of baggage.
  8. 我要轉機到西雅圖。 I have a connecting flight to Seattle. 
  9. 我想訂台北到倫敦的機票。 I'd like to reserve a ticket for the flight from Taipei to London.