湯姆比大多數的同事都早到,他喜歡在辦公室還沒開始喧鬧起來之前,先把一些工作做好。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
Tom gets to work before most of his coworkers; he likes to get some work done during the calm before the storm.
我在搬進新公寓前就買了床,我真是本末倒置。對不起...我不知道該說些什麼。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
When I bought a bed before moving into my new apartment, I definitely put the cart before the horse.
They worked their fingers to the bone trying to get the house painted before dark.
I'll have to go through all the clips on the event before I can give an opinion.
A few passengers would have a stroll on the after deck before the evening meal.
我必須拼了命地大叫,學生才能聽到我說的話。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
I had to scream at the top of my lungs before the students listened to what I said.
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