如果你在寒冷的雨天出門,你就會有感冒的危險。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
You run the risk of catching a cold if you go out in the cold rain.
The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness.
Any backwardness in her family towards him was due to his cold and contemptuous behavior.
將軍採取適當措施,確保全部士兵都有充足的糧食和衣物可過冬。對不起...我不知道該說些什麼。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
The general took appropriate measures to make sure that all of his troops were well fed and clothed during the cold winter.
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