Amnesty International plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights.
An international meeting between each minister and the opposite number will be held next month.
An international meeting between each minister and his opposite number will be held next month.
在聯合國總部的簽字儀式上, 隨著最後10個國家的加入, 已經有66個國家同意根據《羅馬條約》成立國際刑事法庭. 該協議將於七月一日生效.英文怎麼說?
At a ceremony at U.N. headquarters, 10 countries brought the total number of nations to ratify a Rome treaty establishing the International Criminal Court to 66 to bring the treaty into force on July 1.
像其他人一樣, 你一定有你最為關注的問題. 這些問題可能包括國家或國際社會如何處理諸如槍支管制、環境保護或網路恐怖主義威脅等問題.英文怎麼說?
Like everyone else, you surely have issues about which you care deeply. They may include national or international concerns such as gun control, protection of the environment, or the threat of cyberterrorism.
The new manager has a lot of international experience to bring to the table.
Several international celebrities were present at the statesman's memorial service.
台灣於日前參與一場國際勞工會議。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)
Taiwan took part in an international labor conference recently.
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