針對查詢「it」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「it」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章

時間 / 日期 9

What time is it now?
It's nine o'clock.
It's exactly nine o'clock.
It's a little past nine.

時間 / 日期 6

早上6點過了1/4小時 = 早上6點15分
下午3點過了1/4小時 = 下午3點15分
傍晚6點過了1/4小時 = 傍晚6點15分
晚上10點過了1/4小時 = 晚上10點15分  
It's quarter past six in the morning.
It's quarter past three in the afternoon.
It's quarter past six in the evening.
It's quarter past ten at night.

時間 / 日期 4

早上6點過了30分 = 早上6點30分
下午3點過了30分 = 下午3點30分
傍晚6點過了30分 = 傍晚6點30分
晚上10點過了30分 = 晚上10點30分  
It's thirty past six in the morning.
It's thirty past three in the afternoon.
It's thirty past six in the evening.
It's thirty past ten at night.
  1. 希望不會下雨。 英文怎麼說?
  2. 下雨了。 英文怎麼說?
  3. 天氣預報不準。 英文怎麼說?
  4. 今天有點冷。 英文怎麼說?

  1. I hope it won't rain.
  2. It's raining.
  3. The weather forecast was wrong.
  4. It's a bit chilly today.
  1. 你要和我們一起來嗎? 英文怎麼說?
  2. 旅行愉快嗎? 英文怎麼說?
  3. 你在找這本書嗎? 沒錯,你在哪裡找到的? 英文怎麼說?
  4. 這個鑽石,是真的嗎? 英文怎麼說?
  5. 你在明天之前可以完成這項工作嗎? 是的,我認為可以。 英文怎麼說?

  1. Are you coming with us?
  2. Did you enjoy the trip?
  3. Are you looking for this book? That's it! Where did you find it?
  4. This diamond, is it real?
  5. Can you finish the work by tomorrow? Yes, I think so.

購物英語會話 15

How much is it?
It's 100 dollars.
It's too much for me. Do you have anything less expensive?


Charlie sheared the fleece, carded it, spun it, wove it into cloth, and made a new wool cloak.


You can do it now or leave it till later; it's all the same to me.

★ 我喜歡另一件的顏色。比這件鮮艷多了。 ● 沒錯。那件比較新潮,是吧? ★ 哦,天哪!我愈來愈困惑了。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)

★ I like the color of the other one. It's much brighter. ● That's true. It's more fashionable, isn't it? ★ Oh, dear! I'm getting more and more confused.

購物英語會話 7

I'd like to return this.
Why are you returning it?
I think it's defective.


It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain.


Once you get into a bad habit, you'll find it hard to get out of it.


Unfortunately it was sent second-class, so it hasn't arrived yet.

喬伊說他的報告得到 A 。我要看到才會相信。這句話的英文怎麼說?

Joey says he got an A on his report. I'll believe it when I see it.


It is highly probable that it will rain today.


We think it a bit too thick to do it that way.


Words such as "he", "it", "who", and "anything" are pronouns.

常用英文句型 10

I'm not sure ...

I'm not sure if this is the best way, but it works.  

I'm not sure how it happened.

I'm not sure where the problem is.
我不確定 ...   我不知道 ...




上一個英文句型       下一個英文句型      
  1. 風很強勁。 英文怎麼說?
  2. 就看天氣怎樣了。 英文怎麼說?
  3. 冷得發凍的英文怎麼說。 英文怎麼說?
  4. 人皆有死。 英文怎麼說?
  5. 人不可事二主。 英文怎麼說?

  1. The wind is very strong.
  2. It depends on the weather.
  3. It's freezing.
  4. All men must die.
  5. No man can serve two masters.