針對查詢「serve」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「serve」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
  1. 風很強勁。 英文怎麼說?
  2. 就看天氣怎樣了。 英文怎麼說?
  3. 冷得發凍的英文怎麼說。 英文怎麼說?
  4. 人皆有死。 英文怎麼說?
  5. 人不可事二主。 英文怎麼說?

  1. The wind is very strong.
  2. It depends on the weather.
  3. It's freezing.
  4. All men must die.
  5. No man can serve two masters.


A simple example will serve to illustrate the point.


Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up.


That restaurant used to serve whites only.


A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.