針對查詢「sorry」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「sorry」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章


  1. 請他儘快打電話給我。 Tell him to please call me as soon as possible.
  2. 他回來時請他打電話給我。 Please tell him to call me when he returns.
  3. 我知道你說過要幫你擋電話,但執行長在線上要找你。 I know you told me to hold your calls, but the CEO is on the line for you.
  4. 抱歉打擾了。湯姆在二線,他說有急事。 Sorry to interrupt. Tom is on line two and he says it's an emergency.
  5. 一線有你的私人電話。 You have a personal call on line one.
  6. 你太太打電話來。 You have a call from your wife.
  7. 詹姆士,你媽媽在線上。要我轉接給你嗎? James, your mom is on the line. Should I put her through?
  8. 剛剛我的手機電池沒電,所以斷話了。 We got cut off because my cellphone battery died.
  9. 我的手機電池快沒電了。 My cellphone's battery is low.


I'm sorry, these 2 books are 3 days overdue.

★ 馬鈴薯應該是八角。 ● 喔,你說的對。對不起。 ★ 沒關係。這句話的英文怎麼說?

★ The potatoes should be eighty cents. ● Oh, you're right! I'm sorry. ★ Never mind.


I'm sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.

▲ 我可以坐靠窗的那張小桌子嗎? ● 對不起,先生。那已經有人預訂了。 ▲ 真可惜。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話)

▲ Could I have that small table by the window? ● No, I'm sorry, sir. It's been reserved. ▲ That's too bad.


I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the full glare of publicity.


Sorry to interrupt. Tom is on line two and he says it's an emergency.


I am sorry I really can't do anything to help.

常用英文句型 91

I forgot …

I'm sorry I forgot it.

I forgot my jacket.

I forgot to call you yesterday.      
我忘了 …




上一個英文句型       下一個英文句型      


I'm sorry that I've delayed so long.


I'm sorry, I don't follow. Could you repeat what you just said, please?


I am sorry for what I said to you.


I'm sorry to have to inflict myself upon you.

★ 可以請你拿毛衣給我看看嗎? ● 當然可以,先生。我們這裏有很多款式。 這句話的英文怎麼說? (學習英語會話) ★ 對不起。我想要女生穿的毛衣,不是男生的。 ● 喔,我知道了。女用毛衣在這。

★ Can you show me some sweaters, please? ● Certainly, sir. We have a large variety over here. ★ I'm sorry. I want ladies' sweaters, not men's. ● Ah, I see. The women's are this way.


I'm sorry that I can't join you in the discussion.


I'm sorry I tipped the bottle over.