針對查詢「extension」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章
針對查詢「extension」依關聯性排序顯示文章。依日期排序 顯示所有文章


在公司,電話響起,接電話時可以說Hi 公司名稱,或Hi 部門名稱,例如 Hi, Business Department. 讓對方知道他是不是打到對的公司/部門了

在一般情況則可以說Hello, 你的名字 speaking. 例如 Hello, Jennifer speaking. (您好,我是 Jennifer。) 讓對方知道接電話的人是誰

對方可能會說我要找誰,例如 I'm looking for Kevin. Is he there? (我想找 Kevin,他在嗎?)

接電話的人如果要問打電話的那一方是誰,這時可以用 May I ask who's calling? 來詢問對方

要幫對方轉接電話時,可以先跟對方說〞他要找的那個人的分機號碼是幾號,請稍等一下,我為您轉接〞例如 Kevin's extension number is 155. Please hold, I will transfer you.

PS:分機號碼就是 extension number ,也可以縮寫成 Ext. No.

如果他要找的人現在不在位置上,可以說 Sorry, he is not at his desk at the moment. (報歉,他現在不在位置上)

如果要問對方〞請問要幫你留個言嗎?〞則可以說 Would you like to leave a message?

如果對方回答說〞沒關係,我會在30分鐘後再來電〞則可以說 It's OK, I'll call back in 30 minutes.

最後電話結尾時,可以說 “Thank you for calling. Have a nice day." (謝謝您的來電,祝您有個美好的一天)


We built an extension to our house.


the extension of our foreign trade


We had hoped for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week.


Rules were recently drafted allowing Taiwanese universities to offer extension courses in mainland China.